Monday, 8 November 2010

Developing Apps on the Toshiba Folio 100

On my travels, I have recently been required to develop an application for a 10″ Android tablet. So we targeted the Toshiba Folio 100, thinking that as it has a ‘Market Place’ (all-be-it toshiba) you’d be able to develop and debug on the device its self.

Unfortunately not out the box! There are no drivers for the tablet at all, so the best you can do with the usb cable (not supplied) attached to your PC is use it as a mass storage device.

To enable eclipse to install development apps on the device, you need to follow these life saver steps:

Basically you need to edit the driver that comes with the SDK to include the name of this new device. Then I un-installed the driver that windows installed for it (Composite device) and re-attached the USB cable. This time I pointed it to my newly edited driver, and thankfully it worked! :)

Thanks a lot to the people on the Toshiba forums!


  1. Hallo Andrew,

    I also have the same problem. I'm not able to connect my folio 100 to eclipse.
    Unfortionatly your link isn't valid any more:

    "To enable eclipse to install development apps on the device, you need to follow these life saver steps:"

    Do you still know how I can do it ?

    Best Regards,
    Matthias Schneider

  2. Hey,

    Sorry about the broken link, it seems toshiba have moved their support forums and I can't find the post anywhere!

    Either way, the basic idea is to use the driver that comes with the android SDK. I think you have to add the name of the folio (not sure what it'd be called) into the driver, but you could try forcing the driver to install for the tablet! Sorry I can't be of more help!

