Friday, 18 February 2011

Image Collection Browsing Kiosk

So recently at work, I've been lucky enough to be working on quite a unique product. Its primarily a kiosk application for museums and enables users to easily browse large image collections (tens of thousands).

While the user is browsing their way through, our algorithms look at the meta-data in the selected images and start to adapt the new mix of images to the users interests. This means that each different user of the kiosk will have a completely different experience.

The application also support video and audio assets, providing the user with a very immersive experience.

I personally have worked on all parts of this application, from the UI and web-service to the tool-chain and adaptive algorithms. My favourite part is undoubtedly the UI work!

The video below shows a development build which includes an image tray, allowing users to print off their favourite images to take home.

Hopefully I'll be able to post about some useful tit-bits of knowledge I've gained while developing the system!

New Blog Engine

I've finally got fed up with wordpress (due to the lack of template editing options) and I'm moving over to google's Blogger. So far I'm actually really impressed! Hopefully this'll boost the amount of posts I make too! :)

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Finally, a good carpark timer app!

Ok… I’ll come clean, its mine! :)

I’ve finally finished work on my first commercial android app, which is designed to keep track of your parking tickets, and so far its helped me out immensely, so as the theory goes, hopefully it’ll help some of you out too!

If anyone is interested you can find it on the android market.

Any problems at all, please feel free to feedback, your comments will help shape future versions!