Monday 6 June 2011

Removing Administrator Privilages from Process


So one of the things I see a lot of is people asking how to gain administrator privileges for their process or thread. Well for once, I had a need to do the opposite, I needed to ensure that my process wasn't executed as and elevated administrator (i.e. the process would only be run as the user, un-elevated).

Long story short, my aim was to show a save dialog where users could select a location to save to and a later process (definitely not running as elevated administrator) would save the file to the location. Clearly if the first process was picking administrator accessible locations, such as program files, the second process would fail to write (or even worse, write to the VirtualStore!) causing headaches.

So pre-amble done, how did I achieve this?

With the help of this great MSDN artical, My first idea was to simply check if the process is using an elevated Administrator group, and using AdjustTokenGroups() I would set the Administrator group to SE_GROUP_USE_FOR_DENY_ONLY. Unfortunately though, we can't modify the administrator group on the currently running process as it also has the SE_GROUP_MANDATORY attribute, which makes it inelligable for changing.

The MSDN document has this to say about it:
The AdjustTokenGroups function cannot disable groups with the SE_GROUP_MANDATORY attribute in the TOKEN_GROUPSstructure. Use CreateRestrictedToken instead.
So luckily, MSDN suggests and alternative, which is to use CreateRestrictedToken() instead.

So the new approach is to:
  1. Create the well known Administrator group SID
  2. Use this to check if the process contains the Administrator SID
  3. Providing the Administrator group SID is present, check if its enabled (A non-elevated administrator user will have the Administrator group present but it won't be enabled.
  4. Create a restricted token, based on the process token, specifying the Administrator Group SID to be disabled.
  5. Create a new duplicated process with restricted token and end the current process.
So you can see, that the only way to shed these administrator privilages is to completed terminate the current process and start a duplicate process, only under the new restricted token.

So for the code:

First we open the processes access token. This tells us what user groups the current process is running under.

    return hasRestarted;

Next we create the SID for the BUILTIN/Administrators group. This will allow us to see if the current process access token contains the Administrators group

if(! AllocateAndInitializeSid( &SIDAuth, 2,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    &pSID) ) 
    hToken = NULL;
    return hasRestarted;

Next we check if the BUILTIN/Administrators group is present and enabled in the current access token. We need to check if its enabled because the access token can have the administrators group present but it can be denied. This would be the equivilant of running an executable with a user who is an administrator, but not right clicking and selecting 'Run as Administrator'.

BOOL isAdmin = FALSE;
  BOOL ok = CheckTokenMembership(NULL, pSID, &isAdmin);

If the administrators group is present and enabled, we know the user is running as an elevated administrator, so we can start creating our restricted administrator token. We do this by using CreateRestrictedToken(). This method will change our administrator group in the token from being enabled to being deny only. So it's like running as an administrator user, just not elevated.

// Create the SID structure for the administrator SID
    SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES adminSID = {0};
    adminSID.Sid = pSID;

    // Create a restricted token which denies the administrator group
    HANDLE restrictedToken;

And now with our token that restricts the administrator group, we can start our process again.

// Create startup info
      STARTUPINFO si = {0};
      si.cb = sizeof( si );
      si.lpDesktop = "winsta0\\default";

      // Get the current executables name
      TCHAR exePath[MAX_PATH];

      // Start the new (non-administrator elevated) restricted process
      hasRestarted = CreateProcessAsUser(restrictedToken,exePath,NULL,NULL,NULL,TRUE,NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi);

Its probably a good idea to clean up your resources (handles etc) afterwards (I haven't done this for clarity) and check if the current machine your code is executing on is Vista or later first. If it isn't then we don't have to deal with any UAC stuff anyway, and you may get unexpected results from executing this too!

Hope this helps someone!

Thursday 19 May 2011

MSDN Documentation

I think I may have something controversial  to say about the MSDN documentation: I actually think its quite good! :)

Just been doing some work on changing permissions on DACL's (discretionary access control list). Effectively I've needed to programatically add permissions for users to modify files. And you know what, its been spot on... found explanation of DACL's... how they work... example... Boom! It works! :)

So he's to you MSDN documentation writers, please keep up the good work.

...Actually, as I think about it, I remember times I've been banging my head against a wall trying to understand some of it, but generally I think its pretty good! :)

Friday 18 March 2011

Debugging CLR Stored Procedures in Visual Studio 2010

One of the problems I encountered recently was a CLR stored procedure that I had created which accepted accepted a file and wrote this file locally, while putting a row in a database to reference its location.

The problem came around when I tried it out and it through an UnauthroizedAccessException. So I though straight away, fine I guess I haven't given the directory permissions for the SQL Service user to write. So I added this and tried again but I got the same error! Intrestingly if I had been sensible and looked up the MSDN documentation for File.WriteAllBytes(), which I was using to write the transfered file to disk, I would have seen that UnauthroizedAccessException is actually thrown for more reasons than just security permissions, in fact it says I can occur for:

 path specified a file that is read-only.
This operation is not supported on the current platform.
path specified a directory.
The caller does not have the required permission.

So if I had heeded this information,. I would have found that my bug was caused by quite a noob mistake where I was trying to write to a directory and not a file.

Either way though I didn't, and I wanted to understand how to debug CLR procedures incase a real dire problem came up in a more complex procedure. So this is how I achieved it:

1) Re-create your CLR stored procedures in SQL Server using a debug version of your assembly. Make sure you have the symbol file for it. You'll need it to be able to catch break points and debug the assembly. In my set-up both assembly and debug symbol file were both in the same folder.

2) Add this folder to your symbol directory list in visual studio. It may be that visual studio will be able to find the symbols anyway, but I guess it doesn't harm to give VS a bit of a hint as to where to look. This can be done by going to Tools > Options > Debugging > Symbols and adding the new location in the 'Symbol file (.pdb) locations' box.

Adding a Path to the Assembly Symbol Files.

3) Ensure the setting for debugging 'Just My Code' is turned off. This can be verified by going to Tools > Options > Debugging > General and making sure that the 'Enable Just My Code' check box is unchecked.

Changing Debug Settings

4) Ensure that the assembly that contains your stored procedures is the active solution in Visual Studio. At this stage we can attach Visual Studio to the SQLServer process which is using our CLR stored procedure assembly. To do this, go to Debug > Attach To Process. This will open up a window showing all the processes we can attach to. Check both 'Show processes from all users' and 'Show processes in all sessions'. In this list above, you should be able to find a process called something like sqlservr.exe. If the process has loaded your assembly you wish to debug, the type should include 'Managed'.

Attaching to the SQL Process

On attaching to this process, checking the output should show that its found and loaded the symbols successfully for your assembly containing the stored procedures. If everything is ok, the breakpoints in the stored procedure assembly should become active too (go from outlines to filled)! Click 'Attach'.

To check if the correct assembly has been loaded after attaching the the right symbols, you can view the loaded modules in visual studio. To do this click Debug > Windows > Modules.

Modules View

If your symbols haven't been loaded, you can always try and load them manually by right clicking and selecting load symbols. If this still doesn't work, ensure that your symbol path has a root to your stored procedure assembly symbol file.

If it isn't exactly the same .pdb for the source you have open in visual studio, the break point may not still be filed and it won't catch, but the differences may be small enough for you to understand the problem, so you can resolve this by right clicking on the break point, selecting 'Location' and checking 'Allow the source to be different...'.

5) Run the application past the point where it uses the stored procedure and the break point should catch! And your free too debug!

This indeed was how I found my noob mistake! Good experience though! :)

There was one problem I encountered upon the way though, and that was that I kept getting the error message:
'Attaching T-SQL debugger failed. The debugger is not properly installed.'
Interestingly enough for me it was a problem with having database connections in the Server Explorer tab of Visual Studio. Removing these caused the error to go away and my debugging to work!

Also, using release versions of the stored procedure libraries didn't seem to work for me, although I may be overlooking something here.

Anyway, I hope this helps someone along their way! :)

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Using external styles with static resources in Silverlight

I've recently had the need to apply an external style (i.e. one thats outside the .xap file) which includes static resources and at runtime.

... Anyone starting to see a problem here? Maybe not, its actually a little subtle. Basically, the problem is surrounding the use of static resources, and in particular trying to change a static resource at runtime.

The short and curlys are that it's not an easy thing to do. As the resource is static, its loaded once at the start (during the InitializeComponent() call in the App.xaml.cs contructor) and if you want to change it there after, you have to find the particual resource from the application resource dictionaries (see Application.Current.Resources) and changes its value manually. I've found that even clearing the resource dictionary and re-loading didn't work either... go figure!

So my solution was to not even bother to load the generic style (containing static resources) if there was an external one we wanted to use instead. A bit like the code below:

public partial class App : Application
        private static IDisplayPage m_currentPage = null;
        private IDictionary m_initParams = null;

        public App()
            this.Startup += this.Application_Startup;
            this.Exit += this.Application_Exit;
            this.UnhandledException += this.Application_UnhandledException;     

        /// Occurs when the application is started/// 
        private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
            // Set the init params and intialise the application
            m_initParams = e.InitParams;

        private void Initialise()
            // We need to load the new theme before InitaliseComponent so that the right static resources are loaded first time!
            // Otherwise the defaults will be loaded and the newer ones are ignored.
            string themeLocation = ConfigurationManager.Settings["ThemeLocation"];
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(themeLocation) == false)
                // We have a theme location present, so try to load it! The application will be 
                // loaded after the theme is downloaded and applyed to the application resources.
                // Skip loading the theme as we haven't supplied one. Go straight for the good stuff!

        /// Loads the given theme into the application resources
        private void LoadTheme(string themeLocation)
            // Create the client to load the file
            WebClient client = new WebClient();

            // When the download is complete, apply it!
            client.DownloadStringCompleted += ThemeDownloaded;

            // Start the download of the theme off. The location should be local as the screen will be blank while downloading!
            client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(themeLocation, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));

        /// Occurs when an external theme has finished downloading
        private void ThemeDownloaded(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
            string themeLocation = ConfigurationManager.Settings["ThemeLocation"];

            if (!e.Cancelled && (e.Error == null))
                    // Read in the external style and store it as a resource dictionary
                    ResourceDictionary dictionary = XamlReader.Load(e.Result) as ResourceDictionary;

                    if (dictionary != null)
                        // If the reading was successful, store it as our current dictionary
                catch (XamlParseException ex)
                    ServiceClient webService = new ServiceClient();
                    webService.LogErrorAsync("Problem parsing theme (" + themeLocation + "): " + ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, SLUtilities.GetClientVersion());
                if (e.Error != null)
                    ServiceClient webService = new ServiceClient();
                    webService.LogErrorAsync("Problem loading theme (" + themeLocation + "): " + e.Error.Message, e.Error.StackTrace, SLUtilities.GetClientVersion());

            // After our attempt at loading an external theme, load the rest of the application

        /// Loads the rest of the application, initialising the components if an external theme hasn't already been loaded.
        private void LoadApplication()
            // If we haven't been able to reach an external theme for the app, use the internal default
            if (Application.Current.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Count == 0)
                // Initialise the main app.xaml page, including resources and styles

           // Do the rest of our application specific setup

So as you can see, the application when first loaded, checks a settings file in the .xap and a location to an external theme. If it can find it, the theme is downloaded and instead of calling InitializeComponents(), we just load the resources in the theme instead. If there is no location for an external theme, we just load up the generic resources and styles using InitializeComponents() as normal.

I have to say, not the most satisfying work around, but it does work!

Hope this helps someone!

Friday 18 February 2011

Image Collection Browsing Kiosk

So recently at work, I've been lucky enough to be working on quite a unique product. Its primarily a kiosk application for museums and enables users to easily browse large image collections (tens of thousands).

While the user is browsing their way through, our algorithms look at the meta-data in the selected images and start to adapt the new mix of images to the users interests. This means that each different user of the kiosk will have a completely different experience.

The application also support video and audio assets, providing the user with a very immersive experience.

I personally have worked on all parts of this application, from the UI and web-service to the tool-chain and adaptive algorithms. My favourite part is undoubtedly the UI work!

The video below shows a development build which includes an image tray, allowing users to print off their favourite images to take home.

Hopefully I'll be able to post about some useful tit-bits of knowledge I've gained while developing the system!

New Blog Engine

I've finally got fed up with wordpress (due to the lack of template editing options) and I'm moving over to google's Blogger. So far I'm actually really impressed! Hopefully this'll boost the amount of posts I make too! :)

Thursday 10 February 2011

Finally, a good carpark timer app!

Ok… I’ll come clean, its mine! :)

I’ve finally finished work on my first commercial android app, which is designed to keep track of your parking tickets, and so far its helped me out immensely, so as the theory goes, hopefully it’ll help some of you out too!

If anyone is interested you can find it on the android market.

Any problems at all, please feel free to feedback, your comments will help shape future versions!